As a WordPress developer, there are several key skills that are important to have. Here are
some of the most essential ones:
1. Proficiency In WordPress: A WordPress developer should have a deep
understanding of the WordPress platform, including its architecture, APIs, and
2. HTML/CSS: A WordPress developer should have strong HTML and CSS skills to
create and style web pages and themes.
3. PHP: A WordPress developer should have strong PHP skills to develop custom
WordPress plugins and themes, and to modify existing ones.
4. JavaScript: A WordPress developer should have strong JavaScript skills to add
interactivity and dynamic features to WordPress websites and plugins.
5. MySQL: A WordPress developer should have a good understanding of MySQL and
the ability to work with databases to store and retrieve data.
6. Responsive Design: A WordPress developer should have a good understanding of
responsive design principles and the ability to create websites that work well on all
devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
7. Debugging And Troubleshooting: A WordPress developer should have the ability
to identify and troubleshoot issues with WordPress websites, including plugin
conflicts, theme conflicts, and other issues.
8. Plugin And Theme Development: A WordPress developer should have the ability
to develop custom WordPress plugins and themes, and to modify existing ones.
9. Security: A WordPress developer should have a good understanding of WordPress
security best practices, including the ability to secure WordPress websites against
common security threats.
10. Collaboration: A WordPress developer should have good collaboration skills and
the ability to work in a team environment, including the ability to work with designers,
content creators, and other developers.
Overall, a good WordPress developer should have proficiency in WordPress, HTML/CSS,
PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, responsive design, debugging and troubleshooting, plugin and
theme development, security, and collaboration. These skills are essential to creating
high-quality WordPress websites and plugins that meet the needs of clients and users.